We are so excited to have you as a group leader! Groups provide a great space for people to connect, develop meaningful friendships, and grow in their walk with Jesus.

On this page you’ll find resources that will help you as you get started and as your group grows. We want to make this an easy one-stop-shop for you to find group information and where we can share new leadership tools and announcements for each semester. 


  • Summer Semester: June 6 – July 31

  • Fall Semester: Aug 1 – Nov 20

Summer semester begins June 6th and ends July 31st.  Enjoy summertime and enjoy your group summer semester!  Do cookouts, go hiking, have game nights.  Always incorporate E.S.P.N. but have FUN!!

Our Fall Groups Launch will be held on Sunday, August 1st when we will also launch a church-wide curriculum where we will join together to discuss MY CHURCH.   

NEW ChurchCenter App option: We’ve told you a lot about Planning Center, which is the backside management tool to manage your group as a leader. But we also want you to know about the ChurchCenter app.  This is the frontside platform where members can find a group.  You can download the app to share your group easily with others, but you can also manage attendance, use group messaging and access things a little easier than signing into PCO. 


Vision: We exist to help people know God, experience freedom, find family, and fulfill their purpose.

Leadership Values: Excellence, Honor, Unity, Health, Generosity, and Presence-centered


Victory offers groups to create a safe space for people to become relationally connected and discipled. 

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Matthew 9:36 (NLT)


Whether you’re participating in a social activity, studying a curriculum, meeting online, or serving together, be sure to create an atmosphere where people can talk about life and grow in community.   


Encourage the people in your group to know and care for one another.

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NLT)


No matter what your group is focused on, share Scripture.

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105 (NLT)


Make prayer a priority in your group. 

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6 (NLT)


Help people discover their next steps or opportunities for continued growth at Victory.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with my eye. Psalm 32:8 (NKJV)

*These principles apply not only to your group time, but also to how you care for a person individually. 



At Victory we want to provide excellent experiences. Every time your group meets, you represent Jesus and Victory Worship Center by carrying a spirit of excellence (not perfectionism) and embracing a continuous effort to do your best. 

Group Leader Commitment

We ask that group leaders commit to leading for at least one semester. Work with your groups pastor or coach if you feel you need to step down from leading at any time. You are more than welcome to keep meeting between semesters but know that your health and rest as a leader should be a priority.  We’d rather you take a break and start the next semester fresh and excited with energy than to keep plowing through if you’re growing weary. 

Groups meet throughout the year in three semesters:

  • Spring: 13 weeks (February–May)

  • Summer: 8 weeks (June–July)

  • Fall: 13 weeks (August–November)

Group Leadership Structure 

Relational and spiritual covering are so important to the health of Victory members and staff. As a group leader, you will have a relational oversight with your regional groups pastor or a coach. They will reach out to you to build a relationship; provide care, encouragement, prayer, and coaching; and be a resource on behalf of Victory Worship Center. 


COMMUNICATION: Your groups pastor or coach may reach out to you by email, phone call, or text. Group leaders are most successful when building a relationship with their coach. Please do your best to respond promptly. 

Group Serving

Part of Victory’s mission is to help others fulfill their purpose. We believe this happens by submitting to God and being His hands and feet to those around us by serving others. Every Victory group is encouraged to participate in serving together through various opportunities like weekend services, hospital care, or local outreach opportunities presented by your campus.


How do people find my group? 

  • GROUPS WEBSITE ( -> select “Find a Group”)

Some people will find your group online through our group's web page. If so, you will be contacted via email. Please respond within 48 hours to people inquiring about your group online. This communicates value and excellence while you are representing Victory. 

NOTE: If your group is full, please reach out to your groups pastor/coach and ask them to change it to Closed so as not to receive more inquiries. 


A personal invitation is the best way to bring people into your group. Successful group leaders constantly invite new people and encourage members to invite people from inside and outside the church. People desire relationship, and connected people connect people. 


Your personal social media page or a group page is a great way to share about your group. 


Group members aren’t required to attend Victory. Invite people you work with, parents of children on your child’s teams, or people you work out with. Don’t be afraid to invite the people already around you.

Why do I need to report attendance? 

Reporting isn’t numbers, it’s stewardship. You steward the people in your group well when you report attendance. Reporting accurately shows how each person at Victory is actively engaged. When there’s active engagement, it shows that someone is trying to grow spiritually and stay connected. 

In addition, when you report attendance, you are helping Victory be more relational when helping people in times of need. When needs arise in the congregation, the Victory Care ministry team will look for group engagement. Community is the first step toward healing and growth. 

Do I need to use a curriculum? 

People will be attracted to different things, and the goal for your group is to create a safe, welcoming place for people to grow together no matter the curriculum or activity. If you decide to do a study or specific curriculum, keep in mind that the curriculum should be the hook but not the point of the group.  If you have questions about a specific curriculum or would like suggestions, email 

Can I have a virtual group?

For many, virtual groups have shown us a new way of connecting that removes other obstacles.  Depending on your season of life this may be the easiest way for you to connect consistently, and we encourage you to take advantage of it.

What should I do if someone in my group has a big need or struggle? 

If you or any of your group members are hurting, struggling to make ends meet, or experiencing major life events like a birth, an adoption, hospitalization, a life-altering illness, death, or bereavement, the group is there to surround them with love and care.  Should a big need arise, please notify your coach so we can be there for them, as well. 


Cast Vision for the Group 

Why are you meeting? From the beginning of your group, tell them about the expectations God has given you for the group. Let your group members know what the vision is. 


Create a safe space where people can talk about life. If a conversation takes a negative or destructive turn, guide it back to a healthy place. If someone needs to talk about a sensitive or complex issue, ask to follow up with them after the group or call your coach to help you respond well.


Respect and honor the group members’ time by giving a time frame and sticking to it. 


About 70% of talking should come from members and 30% from the leader.


Maintain integrity and purity by encouraging men to minister to men and women to minister to women. A couple may minister to a single person. These boundaries will help protect the leaders and group members from entering into an uncomfortable or inappropriate situation.


Set clear expectations for those with children so they can plan accordingly.



If some of your group is meeting in-person but others are joining virtually, be mindful of those watching so they feel engaged and can see and hear the majority of the group.


Make sure the room is well lit and your background is free from distractions. If you’re co-leading and sharing a screen, be sure that both individuals are in view. 


Encourage attendees upon entering the virtual group to mute their microphone unless they’re talking and remind them about the chat option for additional conversations and sharing. 


Groups Checklist 

These are things to look for as you gauge the success of your group and your leadership. 

1.There is a clearly stated agenda for the group.

2.The group starts and ends on time.

3.People feel warmly welcomed.

4.People encounter God.

5.The group leader isn’t afraid to have fun.

6.People engage with each other.

7.People receive ministry.

8.People leave the current meeting anticipating the next one.



Planning Center is our online groups platform that will help you manage your members, plan events, take attendance, and share resources.

Log In to PCO Groups

  • You should receive an email directly from Planning Center Online when we set up your group. There will be a link in that email to create your own account in Planning Center.

  • If you lose that email or want to login in directly, go to and use the password you already set up or click on “need a password” to have it resent to you.

So Many Resources!

One of the best things about Planning Center is the abundance of support and help. The information provided here was taken directly from the Planning Center website. Along with basic instructions, you will find videos and informative articles and be able to ask questions online! Just click the question mark on the top right of your Groups page.

Manage Members

Select your group to see a list of your members. Some quick actions you can take on this page include emailing members or removing them from your group. You can also add new members. When someone wants to join your group, you receive an email. You can either respond via the link in that email or respond from Groups. All requests will show at the top of your member list.

Add a New Member
Membership requests will be visible on the administrative side of Groups, on the Groups page, and in the notifications tab. To review someone’s request, select View Message, and the message expands. Whether you add or remove a person, you can email them. You can send the email directly from your Groups page. 

Scheduling Group Events

The Events tab shows you a calendar of upcoming events for your group along with some quick actions you can take on each event: Quickly report attendance, cancel past events, request RSVPs for upcoming events, and view responses. Select an event to see more details or edit the event.

Creating an Event
From the Calendar tab on the Main page or the Events tab on a Groups page, select Create a new event. Add the name, date, and time of the event. Even choose how often the event will repeat as well as when it will end. Select More options to be taken to the Event page and update the description and location or select Create to update that information later.

  1. Choose a location from the dropdown and use Edit location to add a specific address. Or, if you don't know the address, drop a pin at your location.

  2. Enter the description for the event shown on the Groups page.

  3. Select Create event when you're finished, and your event will be added to the calendar!

Edit Your Events
Select the event from the list. This allows you to view more details like a map of the location or select Edit event to make changes. Edit any information then scroll to the bottom and Save. If your event repeats, choose to save only this event or all future events as well. While viewing your upcoming events, you can also send an event reminder to group members.

Cancel or Delete an Event
If your event is no longer taking place, you can update the calendar:

  • Delete an Event: This is permanent and removes all traces of the event from the calendar. If attendance was taken and visitors were listed, that information disappears as well.

  • Cancel an Event: Unless your event was created by mistake, this is usually the best option for events that aren't taking place. When you use this option, the event remains on the calendar (both online and in subscriptions) but is labeled as "Canceled" so members are aware.

  • To Cancel an Event
    Scroll to the bottom of the event and choose Cancel Event. You can notify group members by checking the box and typing a reason to send to group members. Choose Cancel Event again to finalize the change. The event will remain on the calendar; however, it will now have a line through it, and the attendance column shows Canceled. Everyone will see the event was scheduled but is no longer taking place. *If you change your mind, this option allows you to undo your cancellation.

  • To Delete an Event
    Scroll to the bottom of the event and select Delete. If your event repeats, choose to delete only this event or all future events as well. Keep in mind that deleting an event is a permanent action and cannot be undone.

Taking Attendance
On the Events tab, select an event to record attendance. Events are listed in chronological order and show the date, name, and attendance if it's already been taken.

  • Select Report Attendance to go to the roster.

  • Put a check next to members who were present and search for others who attended and want to be added as a member. Visitors appear at the bottom of the roster. Add a new visitor from the search bar.

  • Select Submit Attendance Report to record attendance.


First Group Ideas

Use your first group gathering as a social time to allow members to get to know each other. Here are some ideas. 

  • Set a time to pray over your first meeting. You could even plan to do this with your Coach!

  • Put out sticker name tags to help people learn each other’s names.

  • As people arrive, let them know how glad you are to see them and introduce them to others in the group.

  • Put an encouraging note or Bible verse on each chair.

  • Provide snacks or order pizza.

  • Invite members to bring a favorite snack to share.

  • Put conversation-starting questions out on tables.

  • Play a game that allows everyone to share a little about themselves.

  • Make the first night a game night and invite members to bring their favorite games.

  • Put together a list of songs to play in the background at the meeting.

  • Give each person a postcard and ask them to write down one thing they’re hoping for with the group.

  • No matter how many people show up to the first meeting, have fun!

Group Do’s & Don’ts

As you lead your group, ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom. If you are debating on doing something with your group, you can always reach out to your Coach for a second opinion. Here are some things to keep in mind.

  • Do plan and communicate with your group in advance.

  • Do look for ways to make it easy for people to engage.

  • Do submit attendance each time your group meets.

  • Do update Planning Center with the latest details on your group.

  • Do use your group time to facilitate discussion.

  • Do encourage group members to pray for each other.

  • Don’t use group time for lecture-style teaching.

  • Don’t cancel a meeting without letting everyone know.

  • Don't worry if you don't have all the answers. It's okay to say, "I don't know, but let me find out."

Ingredients for a Successful Group


  • Pray for those you invited. Pray for their health, marriage, children—everything!

  • Pray for upcoming group meetings.

  • Pray during group meetings.

  • Pray for group members whether they are present or not.

Invite New People

  • Appoint greeters for your group.

  • Introduce new group members to everyone.

Start and End on Time

  • Honor people’s schedule and time.

  • Before your group starts, think through how you would like to use the meeting time.

  • You can choose to have a time of connection after your scheduled group time for those who want to stay a bit longer.

Welcome People Warmly 

  • Keep a watchful eye for people who wander to the corners of the room and stand alone.

  • Make sure you have funny or interesting icebreakers. It’s not easy to recover from a bad start.

Create an Atmosphere for God to Move 

  • Be prepared and expectant. God always shows up to a prepared and expectant atmosphere.

  • Believe for God to move during your group meetings.

Minister to Your Group 

  • Be sensitive to the fact that first-time visitors often come to a meeting with a ministry need.

  • Don’t let your schedule inhibit you from the most important part of the meeting: ministering to the people!

  • Minister in an orderly way.

Have a Clear Purpose 

  • Cast vision for the meeting.

  • Cast vision for group growth.

  • Invite group members to embrace the group vision.



  • Relationships take time, effort and intentionality.

  • Relationships are vital to God's mission.

  • Relationships are restorative and life-giving.

Ways to Foster a Comfortable Group Environment

  • Be genuine, be vulnerable. It is good to let your groups know you are not perfect.

  • Be caring and be available.

  • Have fun! It is not necessary to have only a Bible study. Treat your group like a family gathering. Do life together. Some ideas are:

  • Potluck

  • BBQ out with a bring your own meat night

  • Game Night

  • Movie Night

  • Spa Day

  • Putt-Putt

  • Picnics at the park

  • Hiking

  • And more!

  • Gather together outside of group one-on-one. Choose a person or couple to spend time with as often as you can. Once they build relationship with you one-on-one, you'll continue to see the vulnerability in the group improve.

  • Sit together at church and events.

  • Celebrate birthdays.

  • Create meal trains for hardships, illness, and new babies.

  • Ask Ice Breaker questions at the start of each meeting - what's your favorite food, what's one thing interesting about yourself, etc. - this is a great way to loosen everyone up and make them feel comfortable.

  • Upon arrival have snacks, refreshments (can be brought by each guest), and stand around chatting for 15-20 minutes before gently encouraging everyone to move to an area for group focus.

  • Provide name tags for new groups for a few weeks in a row to give people enough time to learn names.