
Welcome to Churches that Heal!

We're so excited you've decided to join us on this journey toward health and freedom.

Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then, you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free". John 8:31-32

We all want the health and freedom that Jesus offers. But we often fail to remember is that it will require work on our part. The practice of living out Jesus' teachings, of following His ways, is simple but rarely easy.

When we "know the truth," it means that we've moved past acquiring information; we've applied it. We no longer "know" intellectually, but experientially as well.

Churches That Heal, by Dr. Cloud, is a growth path through several of Jesus' teachings. Working through the material will allow us to heal from our deepest hurts, wounds, and feelings of inadequacy. God is the One who changes and restores us, but we are active participants. We do the work of being vulnerable, sharing with others, and allowing our community to love us and walk with us to places of repentance, forgiveness, health, and freedom.

To be prepared each week, it's important to watch the video session by Dr. Cloud and complete the homework in the Participant Workbook before your group discussion. As a church, we will work through the material, and every weekend Pastor Waylon's teaching will coincide with what we are studying.

 Victory, let's get healthy together and walk in freedom in 2021!


Start by downloading the participant workbook, and follow along with the videos.




Vision with Pastor Waylon & Dana Sears


Introduction with Dr. Henry Cloud


Session 1: Grace + Truth + Time Pt 1


Session 2: Grace + Truth + Time Pt 2


Session 3: Relational Connection


Session 4: Boundaries


Session 5: Processing Pain


Session 6: Becoming An Adult